Yooo... Cawie-cawie yang sunyi sepi masani.. Antah mana kamu kan?
Sibuk? Kana Param? Kana kurung / tarik telinga oleh bini? Hehehee... Patut tah kamu ani kana label cawie! hahaa..
Alryt geng.. Our next outing may be probably held on Sunday, 18 May 2008 and there's a high demand to buat it di Pantai Mentiri Golf Club(PMGC). Hmmm... most probably PMGC will be considered as long as buggies are allowed to be on the fairway. (Kaling Putih: check tia condition d PMGC atu n confirm to us ASAP! hehehe..)
Hahaaaa... Ketawa ku dulu eh.. Regarding the theme, some recommended to buat theme "BUNGA-BUNGA!" hahahaa... hancurrr hancurrrrr.... So far, the responses bout the so-called 'bunga-bunga' theme are mix lah.. Ada yang agree, and biasalah.. ada yang disagree. So, the 2nd option would be 'RED' since we are in the month of may, mestilah we support.. Mayfirst! Lambang sejati... hahhaa...(Mr Kura: bah buat tia poll to vote for the theme of the coming outing). Tapinya kan, wateva the theme would be.. We have to agree on it jua, because there's a saying "SO WHAT?!!!) hahaaa.. Show the world that we have a strong unity! Jantah kan komplen mun theme bunga-bunga atu bida kah, payah mencari kah etc. If u can make the purple outing, anilah lagi peluang untuk tani hunting mencari baju klasik bunga-bunga kan d pakai nanti.. Hahahhaaa.. lagipun jantah luan kan perasan because wateva u wear, u r still CAWIE!!!! hahhaa...
Ahh.. Aahhhh.. AAAahhh.... Oyyyyeeeaaaaa... Oyyeeeaaaaaa.....
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